About The Comprehensive Case Management And Employment Program (CCMEP)

We will help you take the initial steps to get started to help you start achieving your goals and developing your career path. Visit the Contact Page to get started on your future!

What is the CCMEP?

CCMEP is an innovation program that can help most low-income young adults build career paths, find employment and break the cycle of poverty. It offers a wide range of services specifically tailored to fit each individual.

Who is eligible for CCMEP?

Most low-income young adults ages 14-24.

What services are available?

The following examples of what are offered depending on the individuals needs:

• Paid and unpaid work experiences
• Career coaching
• Education and career training
• Tutoring
• Preparing for college or work credential training
• Supportive services, including transportation, child care, housing, uniforms and work-related tools
• Help starting a business
• Help with budgeting
• High school equivalency training
• Counseling
• Mentoring
• Leadership development

What to expect while participating in the CCMEP?

  • Average 20 hour work week for about 10 weeks or less
  • Paid Lunch Break
  • 3 Hour Friday workshops to help with career and individual development
  • Job experience
  • And a lot more!

This program helps individuals develop themselves as well as their career path. It also helps individuals find what fits best for them when it comes to the workplace. In just about 10 weeks or less, they will develop a sense of purpose and direction. It helps them pursue a better future and a better life.

Some things to keep in mind after the program is finished

  • After the CCMEP, you could qualify for the OJT (On-The-Job Training) to acquire even more job experience with an employer.
  • With job experience at hand and case management working at your side, we do our best to help you find your next employer and get you ready to take the next steps necessary to be successful.
  • College readiness, Trade School Prep and Work Credential Training are available. We want to see you succeed.

CCMEP uses funding from both the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act youth program and the
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program to offer more coordinated, individualized services. Ohio was
one of the first states in the nation to attempt this degree of cross-program integration.
Unlike many other anti-poverty programs, CCMEP engages participants in meaningful employment and training
activities that can help them build lifelong, sustainable careers. It focuses on people, not programs, and gives
caseworkers the flexibility to offer more constructive services that build on participants’ strengths, increase their
skills and meet their unique needs.

We will help you take the initial steps to get started to help you start achieving your goals and developing your career path. Visit the Contact Page to get started on your future!

Most information provided by JFS CCMEP Fact Sheet on jfs.com